26 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of adaptive middleware architectures based on computational reflection and aspect oriented programming to support mobile computing applications

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    Mobile computing applications are required to operate in environments in which the availability for resources and services may change significantly during system operation. As a result, mobile computing applications need to be capable of adapting to these changes to offer the best possible level of service to their users. However, traditional middleware is limited in its capability of adapting to environment changes and different users requirements. Computational Reflection and Aspect Oriented Programming paradigms have been used in the design and implementation of adaptive middleware architectures. In this paper, we propose two adaptive middleware architectures, one based on reflection and other based on aspects, which can be used to develop adaptive mobile applications. The reflection based architecture is compared to an aspect oriented based architecture from a quantitative perspective. The results suggest that middleware based on Aspect Oriented Programming can be used to build mobile adaptive applications that require less processor running time and more memory space than Computational Reflection while producing code that is easier to comprehend and modify.8th IFIP/IEEE International conference on Mobile and Wireless CommunicationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A comparative analysis of adaptive middleware architectures based on computational reflection and aspect oriented programming to support mobile computing applications

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    Mobile computing applications are required to operate in environments in which the availability for resources and services may change significantly during system operation. As a result, mobile computing applications need to be capable of adapting to these changes to offer the best possible level of service to their users. However, traditional middleware is limited in its capability of adapting to environment changes and different users requirements. Computational Reflection and Aspect Oriented Programming paradigms have been used in the design and implementation of adaptive middleware architectures. In this paper, we propose two adaptive middleware architectures, one based on reflection and other based on aspects, which can be used to develop adaptive mobile applications. The reflection based architecture is compared to an aspect oriented based architecture from a quantitative perspective. The results suggest that middleware based on Aspect Oriented Programming can be used to build mobile adaptive applications that require less processor running time and more memory space than Computational Reflection while producing code that is easier to comprehend and modify.8th IFIP/IEEE International conference on Mobile and Wireless CommunicationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Inovação e desenvolvimento sustentável: Um estudo de caso sobre os efeitos do uso do aplicativo para gestão de resíduos sólidos em São José do Herval - RS

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    A gestão dos resíduos sólidos é um dos fatores essenciais para o avanço das questões socioambientais. Contudo, é dever do poder público e da sociedade estabelecer, executar e fiscalizar medidas de gestão e controle. E, a inovação tecnológica pode ser uma alternativa prática e efetiva no monitoramento do descarte dos resíduos. Este estudo objetivou desenvolver um aplicativo para smartphones como ferramenta de gestão dos resíduos sólidos municipais de São José do Herval-RS. A metodologia empregada foi pesquisa-ação, com caráter descritivo e experimental, através de um estudo de caso. Os procedimentos foram divididos em três etapas. Inicialmente, foi desenvolvido um aplicativo para identificar locais de descartes irregulares de resíduos sólidos no município. Posteriormente, realizou-se o levantamento dos dados com uso do aplicativo e, por fim, estes dados foram tratados e interpretados. Foram computadas 23 denúncias, destacando-se como mais relevantes os resíduos do tipo: domiciliares secos (28,85%), volumosos (25%), industriais (19,23), verdes (9,62%), da construção civil (7,69%), de limpeza pública (5,77%) e domiciliares orgânicos (3,84%). Foi possível propor melhorias quanto às práticas de educação ambiental, auxiliando nas políticas públicas ambientais do município. Ademais, além de servir como suporte à gestão municipal, a ferramenta também possui interface entre tecnologia, sociedade e meio ambiente

    O papel do enfermeiro no tratamento dos transtornos alimentares: Revisão integrativa.

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    Eating disorders are worrying pathologies that are related to eating behavior and the main eating disorders are: anorexia and bulimia. The treatment of these eating disorders contains a great challenge for nurses, because it is important that they have knowledge and dedication to treatments, where the prognosis is given due to an early diagnosis. The study proposed to develop a review about eating disorders, emphasizing the role of nursing. Having as objective the importance of nursing in the treatment of patients with eating disorders. This is a study carried out through a bibliographical survey, with the purpose of performing an integrative review in the following databases: LILACS, BVS-BIREME, MEDLINE and BDENF. In this context, the present study found that it is fundamental that nurses first need to recognize the severity of the problem before establishing strategies so that those affected by eating disorders do not need to resort to hospital services when the condition is already critical and that nurses are able to guide and conduct high quality and efficient clinical follow-up to patients and their families, focusing on establishing bonds of trust, emotional support and guidance on the pathology and its physical consequences.Os transtornos alimentares são patologias preocupantes, que estão relacionados ao comportamento alimentar e os principais transtornos alimentares são: anorexia e a bulimia. O tratamento desses transtornos alimentares contém um grande desafio para o enfermeiro, pois é importante que o mesmo possua conhecimentos e se dedique diante dos tratamentos, onde o prognóstico se dá em razão um diagnóstico precoce. O estudo se propôs a desenvolver uma revisão sobre transtornos alimentares, dando ênfase ao papel da enfermagem. Tendo como objetivo a importância da enfermagem frente ao tratamento de pacientes com transtornos alimentares. Tratando de um estudo realizado por meio de levantamento bibliográfico, com o propósito de realizar uma revisão integrativa nas bases de dados: LILACS, BVS-BIREME, MEDLINE E BDENF como critérios de inclusão foram utilizados artigos disponíveis na íntegra, em idioma português, inglês e espanhol e como critérios de exclusão artigos que não abordaram a temática estudada. Neste contexto o presente estudo constatou que é fundamental que os enfermeiros precisaram em primeiro lugar reconhecer a gravidade do problema antes de estabelecer estratégias para que aqueles acometidos pelos transtornos alimentares não precisassem recorrer aos serviços hospitalares quando o quadro já se encontra crítico e que o enfermeiro esteja apto para orientar e conduzir o acompanhamento clínico de alta qualidade e eficiência ao paciente e seus familiares, com foco no estabelecimento de vínculos de confiança, suporte emocional e orientação sobre patologia e suas consequências físicas

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    The Genome of Anopheles darlingi, the main neotropical malaria vector

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    Anopheles darlingi is the principal neotropical malaria vector, responsible for more than a million cases of malaria per year on the American continent. Anopheles darlingi diverged from the African and Asian malaria vectors ∼100 million years ago (mya) and successfully adapted to the New World environment. Here we present an annotated reference A. darlingi genome, sequenced from a wild population of males and females collected in the Brazilian Amazon. A total of 10 481 predicted protein-coding genes were annotated, 72% of which have their closest counterpart in Anopheles gambiae and 21% have highest similarity with other mosquito species. In spite of a long period of divergent evolution, conserved gene synteny was observed between A. darlingi and A. gambiae. More than 10 million single nucleotide polymorphisms and short indels with potential use as genetic markers were identified. Transposable elements correspond to 2.3% of the A. darlingi genome. Genes associated with hematophagy, immunity and insecticide resistance, directly involved in vectorhuman and vectorparasite interactions, were identified and discussed. This study represents the first effort to sequence the genome of a neotropical malaria vector, and opens a new window through which we can contemplate the evolutionary history of anopheline mosquitoes. It also provides valuable information that may lead to novel strategies to reduce malaria transmission on the South American continent. The A. darlingi genome is accessible at www.labinfo.lncc.br/index.php/anopheles- darlingi. © 2013 The Author(s)

    Environnement d'exécution parallèle : conception et architecture

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    This thesis describes an execution environment for parallel machines without shared memory. A parallel programming model based on message passing, with a special shared memory. In this model, process communication occurs indirectly, via ports, and the processes use barriers for synchronization. All the entities of the system, such as processes, ports and barriers, are created dynamically and loaded on any processor of the network of processors. The implementation architecture of our model is a systematic realization of the client/server model. An implementation is proposed in a Supernode parallel machine as a parallel micro kernel. The principal parallel micro kernel component is a minimal remote procedure call mechanism.L'objectif de cette these est l'etude d'un environnement d'execution pour machines paralleles sans memoire commune. Elle comprend la definition d'un modele de programme parallele, base sur l'echange de message offrant une forme restreinte de memoire partagee. La communication est indirecte, via des portes; les processus utilisent les barrieres pour la synchronisation. Les entites du systeme, processus, portes et barrieres, sont creees dynamiquement, et placees sur un processeur quelconque du reseau de processeurs de facon explicite. Nous proposons une implantation de ce modele comme la mise en oeuvre systematique d'une architecture client/ serveur. Cette implantation a ete effectuee sur une machine Supernode. La base est un Micro Noyau Parallele, ou le composant principal est un mecanisme d'appel de procedure a distance minimal

    Uma Arquitetura Distribuída para Sistemas de Tempo Real Baseados em VANT´s

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    Abstract.The evolution of the development of the Drones has given rise to some challenges, one of which is related to the distributed environment of the application support. This article presents a distributed architecture to support the construction of systems Drones based. The proposed architecture considers the existence of a ground base, the server, and a client boarded on the Drone equipped with a camera. The client captures images and sends them to the server in real time, which receives and displays them. Using the conceptof middleware, the features are visible to users in the form of an API and allow the users to receive images in the form of photos, stream and record video. To validate the proposed architecture, an implementation was performed in which the communication between client and server is made using a wireless network. The images are captured by a camera attached to a Raspberry boarded in the Drone. The system is operational and allows users to view real-time images captured by the Drone